地 址:深圳市龙岗区南湾街道平吉大道1号建昇大厦B栋1605号(李朗软件园对面)
电 话:0755-88820678
传 真:
信 箱:498187676@qq.com
  High-Performance Static CMOS Technology
  100 MHz (10-ns Cycle Time)
  60 MHz (16.67-ns Cycle Time)
  Low-Power (1.8-V Core, 3.3-V I/O) Design
  JTAG Boundary Scan Support(1)
  High-Performance 32-Bit CPU (TMS320C28x)
  16 x 16 and 32 x 32 MAC Operations
  16 x 16 Dual MAC
  Harvard Bus Architecture
  Atomic Operations
  Fast Interrupt Response and Processing
  Unified Memory Programming Model
  Code-Efficient (in C/C++ and Assembly)
  On-Chip Memory
  F2809: 128K x 16 Flash, 18K x 16 SARAM
  F2808: 64K x 16 Flash, 18K x 16 SARAM
  F2806: 32K x 16 Flash, 10K x 16 SARAM
  F2802: 32K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
  F2801: 16K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
  F2801x: 16K x 16 Flash, 6K x 16 SARAM
  1K x 16 OTP ROM (Flash Devices Only)
  C2802: 32K x 16 ROM, 6K x 16 SARAM
  C2801: 16K x 16 ROM, 6K x 16 SARAM
  Boot ROM (4K x 16)
  With Software Boot Modes (via SCI, SPI, CAN, I2C, and Parallel I/O)
  Standard Math Tables