地 址:深圳市龙岗区南湾街道平吉大道1号建昇大厦B栋1605号(李朗软件园对面)
电 话:0755-88820678
传 真:
信 箱:498187676@qq.com
 Organize and Connect
  You can build signal chains at the chip level by interconnecting
  user modules to each other and the I/O pins, or connect system
  level inputs, outputs, and communication interfaces to each
  other with valuator functions.
  In the system-level view, selecting a potentiometer driver to
  control a variable speed fan driver and setting up the valuators
  to control the fan speed based on input from the pot selects
  places, routes, and configures a programmable gain amplifie
  (PGA) to buffer the input from the potentiometer, an analog to
  digital converter (ADC) to convert the potentiometer’s output to
  a digital signal, and a PWM to control the fan.
  In the chip-level view, perform the selection, configuration, and
  routing so that you have complete control over the use of al
  on-chip resources.